Photo Album: Dec 10, 2022 - Toys for Tots - 2022 Folder: Toys for Tot
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Today was a fantastic day. There were about 150 people in attendance, donating 674 toys, including 6 bikes. All of these toys including $150 cash plus a individual check for $500 that will be distributed to needy children in Brevard county through the Toys for Tots Marines program. Use of hanger was provided by Servant Air Ministries. A very special thanks to Angelia for her live entertainment all morning, and the group from Brevard County Veterans Memorial Center.

We would like to thank all of the volunteers for their hard work in order to put this breakfast on, including a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Our chapter collected donations from the following: Publix, Target, Krispy Kreme, and Home Depot.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus - Todd and Kathy.
Food service - Gail, Barbara, Deborah, Sarah, Lorette and Larry.
Live entertainment - Angelia.
Toy collection helpers - Dwight and Scott
Tables - Merritt Island Presbyterian Church, Tom and Roger.
Photographer - Roger.